"lang" { "Language" "schinese" "Tokens" { "Chess_Name" "国际象棋" "[english]Chess_Name" "Chess" "Chess_PickWhite" "白方(先行)" "[english]Chess_PickWhite" "White (Play First)" "Chess_PickBlack" "黑方(后行)" "[english]Chess_PickBlack" "Black (Play Second)" "Chess_ChooseWhite" "你选择白方。你先开始。 " "[english]Chess_ChooseWhite" "You have chosen White. You make the first move. " "Chess_ChooseBlack" "你选择黑方。你的对手先开始。 " "[english]Chess_ChooseBlack" "You have chosen Black. Your opponent makes the first move. " "Chess_OppChooseWhite" "你的对手选择了白方,他们开始。 " "[english]Chess_OppChooseWhite" "Your opponent has chosen White. It is their move. " "Chess_OppChooseBlack" "你的对手选择了黑方,你开始。 " "[english]Chess_OppChooseBlack" "Your opponent has chosen Black. It is your move. " "Chess_WaitPawnPromotion" "等待对手下一步的行动。 " "[english]Chess_WaitPawnPromotion" "Waiting on other player's pawn promotion choice. " "Chess_TurnCheck" "轮到%s1: %s2将军 " "[english]Chess_TurnCheck" "Turn %s1: %s2 Check " "Chess_TurnCheckmate" "轮到%s1: %s2将军 " "[english]Chess_TurnCheckmate" "Turn %s1: %s2 CHECKMATE " "Chess_MyCheckmate" "将军!你战胜了%s1。" "[english]Chess_MyCheckmate" "Checkmate. You have beaten %s1 in Chess." "Chess_OppCheckmate" "将军!%s1把你将死了" "[english]Chess_OppCheckmate" "Checkmate. %s1 has beaten you in Chess." "Chess_Stalemate" "出现和棋。 " "[english]Chess_Stalemate" "The game has reached a stalemate. " "Chess_StalemateClose_Text" "你和%s1产生了一个和局。" "[english]Chess_StalemateClose_Text" "You and %s1 have reached a stalemate." "Chess_TurnCastle" "轮到%s1:%s2置入城堡中 " "[english]Chess_TurnCastle" "Turn %s1: %s2 Castle " "Chess_TurnPawnEnPassant" "轮到%s1:%s2兵前进 " "[english]Chess_TurnPawnEnPassant" "Turn %s1: %s2 pawn en passant " "Chess_TurnPawnPromotion" "轮到%s1:%s2兵晋升为%s3 " "[english]Chess_TurnPawnPromotion" "Turn %s1: %s2 pawn promotion to %s3 " "Chess_Queen" "后" "[english]Chess_Queen" "Queen" "Chess_Rook" "车" "[english]Chess_Rook" "Rook" "Chess_Bishop" "象" "[english]Chess_Bishop" "Bishop" "Chess_Knight" "马" "[english]Chess_Knight" "Knight" "Chess_PawnPromotion_Text" "你的兵到达了最后一行。 你必须晋升它。" "[english]Chess_PawnPromotion_Text" "Your pawn has reached the last row. You must promote it." "Chess_PromoteQueen" "提升为后" "[english]Chess_PromoteQueen" "Promote To Queen" "Chess_PromoteRook" "提升为车" "[english]Chess_PromoteRook" "Promote To Rook" "Chess_PromoteBishop" "提升为象" "[english]Chess_PromoteBishop" "Promote To Bishop" "Chess_PromoteKnight" "提升为马" "[english]Chess_PromoteKnight" "Promote To Knight" "Chess_PawnPromotion_Title" "国际象棋 - 兵的提升" "[english]Chess_PawnPromotion_Title" "Chess - Pawn Promotion" "Chess_MoveHistory_Title" "国际象棋 - 删除历史" "[english]Chess_MoveHistory_Title" "Chess - Move History" } }