"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "TrackerUI_WishesToAddToContactList_Name_Reason" "%s1 wishes to add you to his/her contact list.\n%s2" "TrackerUI_WishesToAddToContactList_Name" "%s1 wishes to add you to his/her contact list." "TrackerUI_RemoveWarningLabel_FriendName" "You are about to remove %s1 from your contact list." "TrackerUI_WelcomeToTracker_Name" "Login Complete! Welcome to Tracker, %s1." "TrackerUI_AttemptingToLogin_Email" "Attempting to log in, %s1" "TrackerUI_LoginDoesNotExist_Email" "'%s1' does not exist.\n\nHit the 'Back' button to retry." "TrackerUI_LoginServerConnectFailed" "Could not connect to server.\n\nPlease check your internet connection, and try again at another time." "TrackerUI_LoginFailed" "Login failed" "TrackerUI_AuthRequestTitle" "%s1 - Authorization Request" "TrackerUI_MenuHide" "&Hide" "TrackerUI_DoYouWantTo" "Do you want to:" "TrackerUI_OK" "&OK" "TrackerUI_Cancel" "&Cancel" "TrackerUI_AllowPersonToSeeYou" "&Allow this person to see when you are online and contact you." "TrackerUI_BlockThisPerson" "&Block this person from seeing when you are online and contacting you." "TrackerUI_Accept" "Accept" "TrackerUI_Decline" "Decline" "TrackerUI_ViewAuthRequest" "View &Authorization Request" "TrackerUI_SendInstantMessage" "&Send Instant Message" "TrackerUI_JoinGame" "&Join Game" "TrackerUI_ViewGameInfo" "View &Game Info" "TrackerUI_UserDetails" "&User Details" "TrackerUI_BlockUser" "&Block User" "TrackerUI_UnblockUser" "Un&block User" "TrackerUI_RemoveUser" "&Remove User" "TrackerUI_Invite" "Invite" "TrackerUI_Send" "&Send" "TrackerUI_ToJohnC" "To: John C." "TrackerUI_InGameParanthesis" "(in-game) " "TrackerUI_AwayParanthesis" "(away) " "TrackerUI_SnoozingParanthesis" "(snoozing) " "TrackerUI_BusyParanthesis" "(busy) " "TrackerUI_OfflineParanthesis" "(offline) " "TrackerUI_To_Name" "To: %s1" "TrackerUI_Name_InstantMessageTitle" "%s1 - Instant Message" "TrackerUI_Name_IsTypingAMessage" "%s1 is typing a message." "TrackerUI_Offline_MessageNotDelivered" "You have gone offline.\nMessage could not be delivered.\n" "TrackerUI_BuddyOffline_MessageNotDelivered" "%s1 has gone offline.\nMessage could not be delivered.\n" "TrackerUI_WarningNoLongerSeeYou" "If you do this, they will no longer be able to see when you are\nonline, and will not be able to send you messages.\n\nYou may re-add them at a later data by requesting to be on\ntheir contact list." "TrackerUI_SendingDataToServer" "Sending data to server" "TrackerUI_UserCreateComplete" "User create complete" "TrackerUI_CouldNotConnectToServer" "Could not connect to server.\n\nPlease check your internet connection, and try again at another time." "TrackerUI_FriendsSearchingTitle" "Friends - Searching..." "TrackerUI_Searching" "Searching..." "TrackerUI_SelectFriendFromList" "Select your friend from the list below, then hit 'Next' to continue." "TrackerUI_SearchFailed" "Your search returned no results.\nPress the 'Back' button and try some different criteria." "TrackerUI_FriendsFinishedSearchTitle" "Friends - Finished searching" "TrackerUI_FriendsFoundMatchTitle" "Friends - Found 1 match" "TrackerUI_FriendsFoundMatchesTitle" "Friends - Found %s1 matches" "TrackerUI_ConnectingToServer" "Connecting to server" "TrackerUI_FriendsLoggingInTitle" "Friends - Logging in" "TrackerUI_ValidationSuccessful" "User validation successful.\nWelcome back.\n" "TrackerUI_LoginSuccessful" "Login successful" "TrackerUI_PasswordInvalidRetry" "The password you entered is not valid.\n\nHit the 'Back' Button to retry." "TrackerUI_LoginFailed" "Login failed" "TrackerUI_SigningInToFriendsNetwork1" "Signing in to the friends network." "TrackerUI_SigningInToFriendsNetwork2" "Signing in to the friends network.." "TrackerUI_SigningInToFriendsNetwork3" "Signing in to the friends network..." "TrackerUI_NotSignedInToFriendsNetwork" "You are currently not connected to the friends network." "TrackerUI_SignIn" "Sign in" "TrackerUI_SignInSuccessful" "Sign in successful." "TrackerUI_FriendsAboutTitle" "Friends - About" "TrackerUI_Close" "&Close" "TrackerUI_AddFriendsTitle" "Add Friends - Friends" "TrackerUI_UserOptionsFriendsTitle" "User options - Friends" "TrackerUI_SettingsTitle" "Settings - Steam" "TrackerUI_RemoveUserTitle" "%s1 - Remove User" "TrackerUI_WelcomeFriendsTitle" "Welcome - Friends" "TrackerUI_WelcomeToTracker" "Welcome to Tracker!\n\nThis wizard will guide you through getting to connected to the Tracker network.\n\nPlease make sure you are connected to the internet and then click 'Next' to continue." "TrackerUI_Retry" "&Retry" "TrackerUI_UserDetailsTitle" "%s1 - User Details" "TrackerUI_TestingNetworkConnectionTitle" "Friends - Testing Networking Connection" "TrackerUI_AttemptingToConnect_Success" "Attempting to connect to tracker servers... success." "TrackerUI_SuccessfullyConnectedClickNext" "Tracker successfully connected to server.\nPlease click 'Next' to continue." "TrackerUI_AttemptingToConnect_Failure" "Attempting to connect to tracker servers... failure." "TrackerUI_FailedToConnect_CheckFirewall" "Tracker could not connect to server.\n\nIf you are behind a firewall or proxy, tracker needs to\nuse the following ports:\n incoming UDP ports 27000, 27001\n outgoing UDP ports 1200, 27000, 27001\n\nPlease send email to trackerbugs@valvesoftware.com\nif you still cannot connect." "TrackerUI_AttemptingToConnect" "Attempting to connect to tracker servers..." "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUser_1_of_3_Title" "Friends - Create new user part 1 of 3" "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUserTitle" "Friends - Create new user" "TrackerUI_Friends_InvalidEmailTitle" "Friends - Invalid email address" "TrackerUI_EMailIsInvalidTryAgain" "Your email address is invalid.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter your email address.\n" "TrackerUI_PleaseTypeCompleteEmailAddress" "Please type your complete email address" "TrackerUI_EMailExample" "Example: joe_smith@hotmail.com" "TrackerUI_EMailWillNotBeDisclosed" "Your email address is only used to log into your account.\nIt will not be disclosed, except to users you authorize to see it.\n\nIf you forget your Tracker password, this email address will be used to verify your identity." "TrackerUI_UserName" "User Name" "TrackerUI_RepeatPassword" "Repeat Password" "TrackerUI_Password" "Password" "TrackerUI_LastName" "&Last Name" "TrackerUI_FirstName" "&First Name" "TrackerUI_PleaseEnterYourDetails" "Please enter your details." "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUser_2_of_3_Title" "Friends - Create new user part 2 of 3" "TrackerUI_Friends_InvalidUserNameTitle" "Friends - Invalid user name" "TrackerUI_InvalidUserNameLessThan3" "Your user name needs to be at least 3 characters long.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter a new user name.\n" "TrackerUI_InvalidUserNameGreaterThan24" "Your user name cannot be more than 24 characters long.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter a new user name.\n" "TrackerUI_Friends_InvalidPasswordTitle" "Friends - Invalid password" "TrackerUI_InvalidPasswordMustBeAtLeast6" "Your password needs to be at least 6 characters long.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter a new password.\n" "TrackerUI_SecondPasswordDidntMatchFirst" "Your password retry did not match first entry.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and re-enter password." "TrackerUI_FailedAccountAlreadyExists" "Could not create new account.\nUser with that email address already exists." "TrackerUI_CreateUserFailed" "Create user failed" "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUser_3_of_3_Title" "Friends - Create new user part 3 of 3" "TrackerUI_Friends_AddFriendsCompleteTitle" "Friends - Add Friends Complete" "TrackerUI_AuthRequestSent" "The authorization request has been sent.\n\nPress 'Finish' if you are done, or 'Back' to add more friends." "TrackerUI_AuthRequestsSent" "The authorization requests have been sent.\n\nPress 'Finish' if you are done, or 'Back' to add more friends." "TrackerUI_Friends_SearchForFriendsTitle" "Friends - Search for friends" "TrackerUI_Friends_SelectLoginMethodTitle" "Friends - Select login method" "TrackerUI_RequestAuthorizationTitle" "Request Authorization - %s1" "TrackerUI_Friends_LoginExistingUserTitle" "Friends - Login existing user" "TrackerUI_EnterEmailAndPasswordToLogin" "Enter your email address and password to log in to Tracker." "TrackerUI_TrackerPassword" "Tracker Password" "TrackerUI_EMailAddress" "Email address" "TrackerUI_Friends_LoginUserTitle" "Friends - Login user" "TrackerUI_Friends_Title" "Friends" "TrackerUI_Friends_OfflineTitle" "Friends (offline)" "TrackerUI_Friends_LoginErrorTitle" "Friends - Login Error" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_OfflineTitle" "Friends - %s - offline" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_AwayTitle" "Friends - %s - away" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_BusyTitle" "Friends - %s - busy" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_Title" "Friends - %s" "TrackerUI_ErrorIncorrectPassword" "Could not login: Incorrect password." "TrackerUI_ErrorUserDoesntExist" "Could not login: User does not exist on server." "TrackerUI_ErrorTrackerOutOfDate" "Your Tracker install is out of date.\nPlease install the latest version of Tracker." "TrackerUI_ErrorPleaseInstallLatestVersion" "Login attempt to server denied.\nPlease install the latest version of Tracker." "TrackerUI_NeverShowThisDialogAgain" "&Never show this dialog again" "TrackerUI_Reply" "&Reply" "TrackerUI_MessageFrom" "Message from:" "TrackerUI_EnterInformationAboutFriend" "Enter at least one piece of information you know about your friend. \n(You can enter partial or incomplete names && addresses.)" "TrackerUI_ChatWindowAlwaysOnTop" "C&hat window always on top" "TrackerUI_InternetSpeed" "Internet &Speed" "TrackerUI_TrackerName" "&Tracker Name" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "&Play a sound when any friend joins a game" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "P&lay a sound when any friend comes online" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Pl&ay a sound when you receive a message" "TrackerUI_CreateNewUser" "&Create new user" "TrackerUI_LoginAsExistingUser" "&Login as existing user" "TrackerUI_SelectHowYouWishToLogin" "Select how you wish to log in:" "TrackerUI_NameToDisplay" "&Name to display" "TrackerUI_RefreshDetails" "&Refresh Details" "TrackerUI_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "&Notify me when this user comes online" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "&Always play sound when this user comes online" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "A&lways play sound when this user joins a game" "TrackerUI_BlockUserFromSeeingMe" "&Block this user from seeing when I am online" "TrackerUI_RemoveUserExplanation" "Removes the user from your list, and\nprevents them from sending you messages" "TrackerUI_online" "online" "TrackerUI_busy" "busy" "TrackerUI_away" "away" "TrackerUI_in-game" "in-game" "TrackerUI_snooze" "snooze" "TrackerUI_offline" "offline" "TrackerUI_connecting" "connecting" "TrackerUI_recently online" "recently online" "TrackerUI_awaiting authorization" "awaiting authorization" "TrackerUI_requesting authorization" "requesting authorization" "TrackerUI_OnlineTitle" " ONLINE" "TrackerUI_OfflineTitle" " OFFLINE" "TrackerUI_SystemTitle" " SYSTEM" "TrackerUI_InGameTitle" " IN GAME" "TrackerUI_CurrentGameTitle" " CURRENT GAME" "TrackerUI_UnknownUsersTitle" " UNKNOWN USERS" "TrackerUI_RequestingAuthTitle" " REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION" "TrackerUI_AwaitingAuthTitle" " AWAITING AUTHORIZATION" "TrackerUI_FriendsSystemMessageTitle" "Friends - System Message" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_BuddyInvite" "Invite %s1" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_MenuItem" "&Play board game" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InvitationTitle" "%s1 - Invitation" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InvitationText" "%s1 has invited you to %s2." "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteWaitTitle" "%s1 - Waiting on Invite Response" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteWaitText" "Waiting on %s1 Invite Response from %s2" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteRejectedTitle" "%s1 - Invite Rejected" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteRejectedText" "%s1 has rejected your invitation." "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_RejoinTitle" "%s1 - Re-join" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_RejoinText" "You have signed on to the Friends Network.\nRe-join your %s1 game with %s2?" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_Btn_Accept" "&Accept" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_Btn_Reject" "&Reject" "TrackerUI_Btn_Yes" "&Yes" "TrackerUI_Btn_No" "&No" "TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Internet connection speed" "TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Select which Steam window appears when the \nprogram starts, and when you double-click \nthe Notification Tray icon." "TrackerUI_OptionsUnavailable" "Profile settings are unavailable while you are\nnot connected to the Friends network." "TrackerUI_NoFriends" "You have not yet added any Friends to your list." "TrackerUI_NoFriends_AddFriends_Btn" "Add friends..." "TrackerUI_NoFriends_InGame" "Friends is currently in use in a game." "TrackerUI_AddFriendsInfo" "Select players from the game to add to your friends list" "TrackerUI_FriendsName" "Friends name" "TrackerUI_PlayerName" "Player name" "TrackerUI_AddFriendsButton" "Add friends" "TrackerUI_SelectedFriendsAdded" "Selected players have been added to your friends list." "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteNewGame" "New Game" "TrackerUI_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %s1 at %s2" "TrackerUI_UserAddedToConversation" "%s1 has been added to the conversation.\n" "TrackerUI_UserLeftConversation" "%s1 has left the conversation.\n" "TrackerUI_YouAddedToConversation" "You have been added to the conversation.\n" "TrackerUI_UserSays" "%s1 says: \n" "TrackerUI_FailedToDeliverMessage" "Failed to deliver last text message.\n" } }