"lang" { "Language" "korean" "Tokens" { "WelcomeToSteamTitle" "스팀에 오신 것을 환영합니다" "[english]WelcomeToSteamTitle" "WELCOME TO STEAM" "WelcomeToSteamInfo" "» 밸브의 최신 게임을 플레이해 보십시오. » 온라인 친구를 찾아 보십시오. » 최적의 서버를 찾을 수 있습니다. » 자동으로 업데이트를 다운로드할 수 있습니다. » 게임 도중에도 친구들과 대화를 나눌 수 있습니다. » 스팀을 통해서만 제공되는 각종 이벤트에 참가할 수 있습니다. " "[english]WelcomeToSteamInfo" "» Play the latest Valve games » Find your friends » Find the best servers » Get automatic updates » Chat with friends, even when in-game » Receive Steam-only special offers " "SteamUI_SecretQuestionExplanation" "보안을 위해 아래 질문 중 하나를 선택한 다음 질문에 대한 답을 입력해 주십시오. 이 정보는 비밀번호를 잊었을 경우 사용됩니다." "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestionExplanation" "As an additional security measure, please select a secret question and provide the answer below. This will be used if you ever forget your password." "SteamUI_SecretQuestion" "비밀 질문" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion" "Secret question" "SteamUI_Answer" "답" "[english]SteamUI_Answer" "Answer" "SteamUI_YourAnswer" "답" "[english]SteamUI_YourAnswer" "Your Answer" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion1" "어머니의 성함은 무엇입니까?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion1" "What is your mothers maiden name?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion2" "애완동물의 이름은 무엇입니까?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion2" "What is the name of your pet?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion3" "가장 좋아하는 색은 무엇입니까?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion3" "What is your favorite color?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion4" "태어난 곳은 어디입니까?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion4" "What city were you born in?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion5" "학교 이름은 무엇입니까?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion5" "What is the name of your school?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion6" "가장 좋아하는 팀은 어디입니까?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion6" "What is your favorite team?" "WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "새 계정 만들기" "[english]WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Create new account" "WelcomeToSteamLogin" "기존 계정으로 로그인" "[english]WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Login to an existing account" "SteamUI_AccountNameInfo" "메일 주소를 입력하십시오. 입력하신 메일 주소는 스팀에서 본인의 계정으로 사용됩니다. 비밀번호를 잊었을 경우 이 메일 주소를 통해 본인 확인을 할 수 있게 됩니다." "[english]SteamUI_AccountNameInfo" "Please enter your email address. This will be used as your account name in Steam. If you forget your password, this address will also be used to verify your identity." "SteamUI_WelcomeNameInfo" "스팀에서 사용할 닉네임을 입력하십시오. 닉네임은 스팀 내에서 본인의 이름으로 사용됩니다. 원한다면 실제 이름을 사용해도 됩니다." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameInfo" "Please enter a nickname. This is the name your friends will see when you're online. You can also enter your real name to help your friends find you." "SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(선택 항목)" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(optional)" "SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "현재 설치되어 있는 하프 라이프를 스팀으로 복사합니다. 몇 분 정도 소요됩니다." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Your Half-Life installation will now be copied into Steam. This may take several minutes." "SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfo" "스팀 프리로딩이 완료되었습니다." "[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfo" "Steam pre-loading complete." "SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" "기존 파일을 스팀으로 프리로딩하지 못했습니다." "[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" "Pre-loading existing files to Steam failed." "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus1" "%s1개의 파일을 프리로딩하는 중" "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus1" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk." "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus2" "%s1개의 파일을 프리로딩하는 중.." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus2" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk.." "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus3" "%s1개의 파일을 프리로딩하는 중..." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus3" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk..." "WelcomeToSteamNameLabel" "이름" "[english]WelcomeToSteamNameLabel" "Name" "WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel1" "메일 주소" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel1" "Email address" "WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel2" "(사용 가능한 주소여야 합니다)" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel2" "(must be a valid account)" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "보다 자세한 정보는 밸브의" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "See Valve's" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "개인 정보 보호 정책을" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "Privacy Policy" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "참조하시기 바랍니다." "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "for more information." "Underline" "_______________" "[english]Underline" "_______________" "WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "비밀번호를 입력하십시오. 비밀번호는 5자 이상이어야 하며 다른 사람이 알아내기 어려운 것으로 선택하십시오." "[english]WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Please provide a password. Be sure to choose something hard to guess - use at least 5 characters." "WelcomeToSteamPassword" "비밀번호" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPassword" "Password" "WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "비밀번호 재입력" "[english]WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Retype password" "WelcomeAccountCreateProgressInfo1" "계정을 만드는 중..." "[english]WelcomeAccountCreateProgressInfo1" "Creating account..." "WelcomeAccountCreateProgressInfo2" "스팀 계정이 만들어졌습니다." "[english]WelcomeAccountCreateProgressInfo2" "Your steam account has been successfully created." "WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "준비가 끝났습니다! 스팀을 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다. 이 프로그램은 작업 표시줄의 알림 영역에 표시됩니다. 스팀에 접속하려면 스팀 아이콘을 오른쪽 클릭하십시오." "[english]WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "You're all set! Thanks for using Steam. The program runs in the Notification Tray -- usually at the lower right of your screen. To access Steam, right-click on its icon." "SteamUI_AccountNameInUse" "계정을 만들지 못했습니다. 메일 주소가 다른 스팀 계정에 이미 사용되고 있습니다. 다른 메일 주소를 입력하여 다시 시도해 보십시오." "[english]SteamUI_AccountNameInUse" "Failed to create account. That email address is already in use as a Steam account name. Please try again using a different email address." "SteamRoot_Title" "스팀" "[english]SteamRoot_Title" "Steam" "SteamRootGames" "게임" "[english]SteamRootGames" "Games" "SteamRootFriends" "친구" "[english]SteamRootFriends" "Friends" "SteamRootServers" "서버" "[english]SteamRootServers" "Servers" "SteamRootAccount" "계정" "[english]SteamRootAccount" "Account" "SteamRootSettings" "설정" "[english]SteamRootSettings" "Settings" "SteamRootMonitor" "모니터링" "[english]SteamRootMonitor" "Monitor" "SteamRootClose" "닫기" "[english]SteamRootClose" "Close" "SteamRootLabel1" "게임을 선택하여 플레이를 시작합니다!" "[english]SteamRootLabel1" "Choose a game and start playing!" "SteamRootLabel2" "친구를 찾아 함께 채팅과 게임을 즐깁니다." "[english]SteamRootLabel2" "Find friends, chat, play together" "SteamRootLabel3" "진행 중인 멀티플레이어 게임을 검색합니다." "[english]SteamRootLabel3" "Browse multiplayer games-in-progress" "SteamRootLabel4" "스팀의 네트워크 상태를 확인합니다." "[english]SteamRootLabel4" "Watch Steam network activity" "SteamRootLabel5" "스팀 옵션을 변경합니다." "[english]SteamRootLabel5" "Change Steam options" "Steam_trayHint" "스팀은 작업 표시줄의 알림 영역에서 실행됩니다. 스팀에 접속하거나 끝내려면 스팀 아이콘을 오른쪽 클릭하십시오." "[english]Steam_trayHint" "Steam runs in the Notification Tray. To access Steam or to quit, right-click on its icon." "Steam_SubscribeIntro1" "다음 서비스에 가입합니다:" "[english]Steam_SubscribeIntro1" "You're about to subscribe to:" "Steam_SubscribeIntro2" "사용료는 월 $9.95 입니다. 이번이 첫번째 가입이므로 다음과 같은 추가 정보가 필요합니다." "[english]Steam_SubscribeIntro2" "This will cost $9.95 per month. Since it is your first time subscribing to a game, we need to ask you for some additional information." "Steam_SubscribeIntroProductName" "밸브 프리미어 팩" "[english]Steam_SubscribeIntroProductName" "Valve Premier Pack" "Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "신용카드에 표시되어 있는 이름을 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Please enter your first and last names, exactly as they appear on your credit card." "Steam_EmailAddress" "메일 주소" "[english]Steam_EmailAddress" "Email address" "Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(구매 확인 및 영수증 발송용)" "[english]Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(for purchase confirmation and receipt)" "Steam_FirstName" "이름" "[english]Steam_FirstName" "First Name" "Steam_LastName" "성" "[english]Steam_LastName" "Last Name" "Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "신용카드 종류를 선택한 후 카드 번호와 유효기간을 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "Choose a credit card type, and enter the card number and expiration date." "Steam_CreditCardType" "신용카드 종류" "[english]Steam_CreditCardType" "Credit card type" "Steam_CreditCardNumber" "신용카드 번호" "[english]Steam_CreditCardNumber" "Credit card number" "Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "카드 유효기간" "[english]Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Card expiration" "Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "신용카드 청구서에 나와 있는 주소를 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Enter your address as it appears on your credit card billing statement." "Steam_Address" "주소" "[english]Steam_Address" "Address" "Steam_City" "시" "[english]Steam_City" "City" "Steam_StateOrProvince" "도" "[english]Steam_StateOrProvince" "State or Province" "Steam_Country" "국가" "[english]Steam_Country" "Country" "Steam_PostCode" "우편번호" "[english]Steam_PostCode" "Postal (or Zip) Code" "Steam_CountryOfResidence" "위에서 선택한 국가에 현재 살고 있습니다." "[english]Steam_CountryOfResidence" "I currently live in the country selected above" "Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "오류가 있을 경우 '뒤로'를 클릭하여 수정해 주십시오. 오류가 없는 경우 '구매'를 클릭하면 구매 절차가 완료됩니다." "[english]Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "If there are any errors below, click 'Back' to fix them. Otherwise, click 'Purchase' to complete the transaction." "Steam_ProductCostLabel" "가격" "[english]Steam_ProductCostLabel" "Cost" "Steam_TaxLabel" "부가세" "[english]Steam_TaxLabel" "Estimated tax" "Steam_TotalLabel" "합계" "[english]Steam_TotalLabel" "Total" "Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "가입 처리 중입니다. (예상 시간: 1분 미만)" "[english]Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "Processing your subscription. This should take less than a minute." "Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "감사합니다! 밸브 프리미어 팩 가입이 완료되었습니다. 이제 게임 목록에서 원하는 게임을 두 번 클릭하거나 게임 제목을 오른쪽 클릭한 후 메뉴에서 '플레이'를 선택하여 플레이를 시작할 수 있습니다" "[english]Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your subscription to the Valve Premier Pack is complete. In your Games list, you can now double click the game to play (or right-click on the game's title and select 'Play' in the menu.)" "Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "스팀 네트워크에 접속할 수 없습니다. 현재 스팀 네트워크가 작동하고 있지 않거나 인터넷 연결에 문제가 있는 것 같습니다. 인터넷 연결을 확인한 후 다시 시도해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to Steam network. Either the Steam network is currently not running, or your internet connection is down. Please check your internet connection and try again." "Steam_ErrorLoginFailed" "스팀에 로그인하지 못했습니다. 계정이 존재하지 않거나 비밀번호가 맞지 않는 것 같습니다. 메일 주소와 비밀번호를 확인한 후 다시 시도해주십시오." "[english]Steam_ErrorLoginFailed" "Login to steam failed. Either the specified account does not exist, or the password was wrong. Please check your email address and password and try again." "Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" "올바른 메일 주소를 입력해야 합니다." "[english]Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" "A valid email address is required." "Steam_ErrorPasswordNotSet" "비밀번호를 설정하지 못했습니다. 비밀 질문에 대한 대답이 틀렸거나 계정이 존재하지 않습니다." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordNotSet" "Your password was not successfully set. You either answered the secret question wrong, or the specified account does not exist." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "새로운 비밀번호는 5자 이상이어야 합니다." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Your new password must be at least 5 characters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "입력하신 비밀번호가 서로 일치하지 않습니다. 두 필드에 동일한 비밀번호를 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "The passwords you entered do not match. Please enter the same password in each field." "Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "이 게임은 현재 이용할 수 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "This game is currently unavailable. Please try again at another time." "Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "이름은 3자 이상이어야 합니다." "[english]Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "You must enter a name at least 3 characters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "비밀번호는 5자 이상이어야 합니다." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Your password must be at least 5 characters long." "Steam_ErrorAnswerTooShort" "비밀 질문에 대한 답은 3자 이상이어야 합니다." "[english]Steam_ErrorAnswerTooShort" "The answer to the secret question must be at least 3 characters long." "Steam_NewPassword_Enter" "새로운 비밀번호를 입력해주십시오. 비밀번호는 5자 이상이어야 합니다." "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Enter" "Please enter a new password. It must be at least 5 characters in length." "Steam_NewPassword_Label" "새 비밀번호" "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Label" "New password" "Steam_NewPassword_Confirm" "비밀번호 확인" "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Confirm" "Confirm password" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "비밀번호 분실 - 스팀" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Forgotten Password - Steam" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerifyIdentity" "비밀번호를 변경하기 전에 먼저 본인 확인을 해야 합니다. 메일 주소를 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerifyIdentity" "Before we can change your password, we first need to verify your identity. Please enter your email address." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_CouldNotFindEmail" "계정을 찾을 수 없습니다. 스팀에 로그인할 때 사용하는 메일 주소를 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_CouldNotFindEmail" "That account was not found. Please enter the email address you use to log into steam." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_AskSecretQuestion" "스팀 계정을 처음 만들 때 본인만 알 수 있는 비밀 질문에 대한 답을 요청했습니다. 아래에 그 질문에 대한 답을 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_AskSecretQuestion" "When you created your Steam account, we asked you for an answer to a 'secret' question, which only you would know. Please enter your answer below:" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Incorrect" "비밀번호를 변경하지 못했습니다. 비밀 질문에 대한 답이 틀렸거나 새로운 비밀번호가 유효하지 않습니다. '뒤로'를 클릭한 다음 다시 시도하십시오." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Incorrect" "Your password could not be changed. Either you answered your secret question wrong, or your new password is invalid. Please hit 'Back' and try again. " "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Success" "비밀번호가 변경되었습니다. '마침'을 클릭하면 로그인 화면으로 돌아갑니다." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Success" "Your password has been changed. Please click 'finish' below to return to the login screen." "Steam_Login_Title" "로그인 - 스팀" "[english]Steam_Login_Title" "Login - Steam" "Steam_Login_Btn" "로그인" "[english]Steam_Login_Btn" "Login" "Steam_Login_Password" "비밀번호" "[english]Steam_Login_Password" "Password" "Steam_Login_Cancel" "취소" "[english]Steam_Login_Cancel" "Cancel" "Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "새로운 계정 만들기..." "[english]Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Create a new account..." "Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "비밀번호 다시 설정..." "[english]Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Reset password..." "Steam_Login_NoAccount" "스팀 계정이 없으십니까?" "[english]Steam_Login_NoAccount" "Don't have a Steam account?" "Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "비밀번호를 잊어버리셨습니까?" "[english]Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Forgot your password?" "Steam_Login_RememberPassword" "비밀번호 저장" "[english]Steam_Login_RememberPassword" "Remember my password" "Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "스팀 - 계정 만들기" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Steam - Create account" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Nickname" "닉네임" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Nickname" "Nickname" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_FirstName" "이름" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_FirstName" "First name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_LastName" "성" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_LastName" "Last name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "스팀 - 계정 만들기 오류" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Create account error" "SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "스팀 - 계정을 만드는 중" "[english]SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Creating Account" "SteamUI_LaunchOptions_Title" "시작 옵션 - %s1 " "[english]SteamUI_LaunchOptions_Title" "Launch Options - %s1 " "SteamUI_GameProperties_TItle" "%s1 - 스팀" "[english]SteamUI_GameProperties_TItle" "%s1 - Steam" "SteamUI_GameProperties_Close" "닫기" "[english]SteamUI_GameProperties_Close" "Close" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "내 게임" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MY GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "미디어" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MEDIA" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_ThirdParty" "타사 게임" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_ThirdParty" "THIRD PARTY GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "이용 가능한 게임" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "AVAILABLE GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "출시 예정 게임" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "게임 시작... " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Launch game... " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "미디어 시작..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Launch media..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Properties" "속성 " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Properties" "Properties " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription_Title" "스팀" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription_Title" "Steam" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "선택하신 게임에 가입되어 있지 않습니다. 가입 페이지로 이동하시겠습니까?" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "You are not subscribed to this game. Do you want to go to the subscriptions page now?" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "%s1 플레이 준비 중" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparing to play %s1." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "%s1 플레이 준비 중.." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparing to play %s1.." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "%s1 플레이 준비 중..." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparing to play %s1..." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Title" "%s1 - 스팀" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Title" "%s1 - Steam" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Updating_Title" "%s1 업데이트 중" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Updating_Title" "Updating %s1" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Ready_Title" "준비됨 - %s1" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Ready_Title" "Ready - %s1" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn" "게임 플레이" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn" "Play game" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "취소" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady" "게임이 준비되면 바로 시작" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady" "Launch game as soon as it's ready" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "남은 시간:" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Ready to play in approximately:" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContentHosting" "컨텐츠 호스팅 제공:" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContentHosting" "Content hosting provided by:" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlay" "플레이 준비 완료" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to play" "SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "이 대화 상자를 다시 표시 안 함" "[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "Don't show this dialog again" "SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "닫기" "[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Close" "SteamUI_SpecialOffersDialog_Close" "닫기" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialOffersDialog_Close" "Close" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "시작 옵션" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Launch options" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_StatusLabel" "상태:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_StatusLabel" "Status:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_HostingBy" "컨텐츠 호스팅 제공:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_HostingBy" "Content hosting provided by:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Updating" "업데이트 중, %s1" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Updating" "Updating, %s1" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyToPlay" "플레이 준비 완료" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to play" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "사용 중인 디스크 용량:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Disk usage:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "개발사:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Developer:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesVersion_GameVersionLabel" "게임 버전 정보" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesVersion_GameVersionLabel" "Game version information" "SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Title" "스팀 - 가입" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Title" "Steam - Subscribe" "SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "취소" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "스팀 - 계정 만들기" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Create Account" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "스팀 - 계정 만들기 실패" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Create Account Failed" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "계정을 만들지 못했습니다. '뒤로'를 클릭한 후 다시 시도하거나 '취소'를 클릭하여 끝내십시오." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Create account failed. Hit Back to try again or Cancel to quit." "SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "스팀 - 가입" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Steam - Subscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "스팀 - 계정" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Steam - Account" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "가입" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Subscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "가입 취소" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Unsubscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "내가 가입한 게임" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "MY SUBSCRIPTIONS" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Price_Hdr" "가격" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Price_Hdr" "PRICE" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_AvailableSubs_Hdr" "가입할 수 있는 게임" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_AvailableSubs_Hdr" "AVAILABLE SUBSCRIPTIONS" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "스팀 - %s1 가입" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Subscription to %s1" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Successful" "%s1에 가입되었습니다." "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Successful" "You have been successfully subscribed to %s1." "SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "스팀 - %s1 가입 취소" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam - Unsubscribing from %s1" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnSub_Successful" "%s1 가입이 취소되었습니다." "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnSub_Successful" "You have been successfully unsubscribed from %s1." "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Error_Title" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Error_Title" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "스팀" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam" "SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "가입" "[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Subscriptions" "SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "계정" "[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Account" "Steam_LogoutDialogTitle" "스팀 - 로그아웃" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogTitle" "Steam - Logout" "Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "스팀에서 로그아웃합니다. 나중에 다시 스팀을 이용하려면 메일 주소와 비밀번호를 다시 입력해야 합니다. 계속하시겠습니까?" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "This will log you out of Steam. You will need to re-enter your email address and password to use Steam again. Do you wish to continue?" "Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "로그아웃" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Logout" "Steam_LogoutDialogLabel" "다음 계정으로 로그인 중:" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogLabel" "Currently logged in:" "Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "로그아웃..." "[english]Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Logout..." "Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "Steam - Error" "Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "게임을 실행할 수 없습니다. 현재 다른 게임을 시작하는 중입니다. 해당 게임이 시작될 때까지 기다려 주십시오." "[english]Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Cannot run game. You currently have another game launch in progress, please wait until that is complete." "Steam_RefreshLogin_Title" "스팀 - 로그인 갱신" "[english]Steam_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh Login" "Steam_RefreshLogin_InfoTicketExpired" "스팀 티켓이 만료되었습니다. 계속하려면 비밀번호를 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_RefreshLogin_InfoTicketExpired" "Your steam ticket has expired. Please re-enter your password to continue." "Steam_PurchaseProductIntroTitle" "내 게임 목록에 %s1 추가" "[english]Steam_PurchaseProductIntroTitle" "Add %s1 to My Games list" "Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "컴퓨터에 이미 %1이(가) 설치되어 있습니다. CD 키를 입력하면 다음 게임들을 한 달 동안 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다." "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "An existing installation of %s1 has been found on your computer. Your CD key entitles you to a free monthly subscription to the following games." "Steam_Working_Title" "스팀 - 작동 중" "[english]Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - working" "Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "스팀 서버와 통신 중..." "[english]Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Communicating with steam..." "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmation" "하프 라이프를 스팀에서 실행할 수 있도록 변환했습니다." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmation" "Your Half-Life installation has been successfully converted to run under Steam." "Steam_YouHaveChosenToBuy" "'내 게임' 목록에 추가하도록 선택하신 제품은 다음과 같습니다." "[english]Steam_YouHaveChosenToBuy" "You have chosen to add" "Steam_PriceLabel" "가격" "[english]Steam_PriceLabel" "The cost is" "Steam_PayWithCreditCard" "신용카드로 결제" "[english]Steam_PayWithCreditCard" "I wish to pay with a credit card" "Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "이미 보유하고 있는 제품임" "[english]Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "I already own this product" "Steam_Working_PurchasingProduct" "구매 중..." "[english]Steam_Working_PurchasingProduct" "Purchasing..." "Steam_PurchaseFailedTitle" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "구매 절차를 처리할 수 없습니다. 입력하신 정보가 모두 올바른지 확인한 다음 나중에 다시 시도해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "Purchase could not be processed at this time. Please ensure all your information is entered correctly, and try again at another time." "Steam_CVV2_Info" "신용카드의 보안번호를 입력해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_CVV2_Info" "Please enter your credit card's security number." "Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "비자 또는 마스터카드의 경우, 보안번호는 신용카드 뒷면에 있는 서명란에 표시되어 있습니다. 서명란에 표시되어 있는 숫자의 마지막 세 자리 숫자가 보안번호입니다." "[english]Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "On Visa and MasterCard, this number is located on the back of the card in the signature area. It's the last three digits (after the account number)." "Steam_CardSecurityLabel" "보안번호" "[english]Steam_CardSecurityLabel" "Security Number" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate" "이 게임을 항상 최신 버전으로 업데이트" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate" "Always keep this game up to date" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame" "이 게임을 자동 업데이트하지 않음" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame" "Do not automatically update this game" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo" "이 게임 및 업데이트는 서비스가 시작됨과 동시에 다운로드됩니다." "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo" "This game and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available." "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo" "이 게임의 컨텐츠는 자동으로 다운로드되지 않습니다." "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo" "Content for this game will not be automatically acquired." "Steam_MonitorTitle" "스팀 모니터" "[english]Steam_MonitorTitle" "Steam Monitor" "Steam_Game" "게임" "[english]Steam_Game" "Game" "Steam_Status" "상태" "[english]Steam_Status" "Status" "Steam_Time_ShowMostRecent" "표시 기간" "[english]Steam_Time_ShowMostRecent" "Show most recent" "Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5분" "[english]Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutes" "Steam_Time_1Hour" "1시간" "[english]Steam_Time_1Hour" "1 hour" "Steam_Time_1Day" "1일" "[english]Steam_Time_1Day" "1 day" "Steam_Properties" "속성" "[english]Steam_Properties" "Properties" "Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "업데이트 일시 중지" "[english]Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Pause all updates" "Steam_LimitNetworkUsageTo" "네트워크 사용량 제한" "[english]Steam_LimitNetworkUsageTo" "Limit network usage to" "Steam_NetworkUsageInfo" "스팀 네트워크 사용량: %s1" "[english]Steam_NetworkUsageInfo" "Steam network usage: %s1" "Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "현재 업데이트 중인 게임이 없습니다." "[english]Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "Steam is not currently updating any games." "Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_UpdatingTitle" "스팀 - %s1 업데이트 중" "[english]Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam - Updating %s1" "Steam_UpdatingSteamPlatformFiles" "스팀 플랫폼 파일 업데이트 중..." "[english]Steam_UpdatingSteamPlatformFiles" "Updating steam platform files..." "Steam_CheckingForUpdates" "업데이트 확인 중..." "[english]Steam_CheckingForUpdates" "Checking for update..." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "업데이트 필요" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requires update" "Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "스팀 - 주의" "[english]Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_ErrorCacheMissing" "이 게임의 캐시 파일이 하드 디스크에서 삭제되었습니다. 컨텐츠 서버에서 게임 데이터 전체를 다시 다운로드해야 합니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도해 주십시오. " "[english]Steam_ErrorCacheMissing" "Steam has detected that the cache file for this game has been deleted from your hard drive. Steam must now re-acquire all necessary game data from the content server. Please try again in a few seconds. " "Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "스팀" "[english]Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam" "Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "계속하려면 모든 필드를 입력해야 합니다." "[english]Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "All fields must be filled out to continue." "Steam_PurchaseUserEmailInvalid" "유효한 메일 주소를 입력해야 합니다." "[english]Steam_PurchaseUserEmailInvalid" "A valid email address is required." "Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "입력하신 신용카드 번호가 유효하지 않습니다." "[english]Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "The credit card number you have entered is invalid." "Steam_CreditCardExpired" "입력하신 신용카드의 유효기간이 만료되었습니다." "[english]Steam_CreditCardExpired" "The credit card you have entered has expired." "Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "신용카드 보안번호는 3자리여야 합니다." "[english]Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Credit card security number must be 3 numbers long." "Steam_PurchaseAddressInfoInvalid" "주소 필드를 모두 입력해야 합니다." "[english]Steam_PurchaseAddressInfoInvalid" "All the address fields need to be filled out." "Steam_CountryLivedNotSameAsBillingAddress" "청구서가 발송될 주소와 같은 국가에 거주하고 있는 경우에만 제품을 구매할 수 있습니다." "[english]Steam_CountryLivedNotSameAsBillingAddress" "You must live in the same country as your billing address or we will not sell stuff to you." "Steam_WizardNext_Purchase" "구매" "[english]Steam_WizardNext_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_PurchasingProgress_Title" "스팀 - 작동 중" "[english]Steam_PurchasingProgress_Title" "Steam - working" "Steam_LaunchSteamOnStartup_Option" "Windows를 시작할 때 스팀 자동 실행" "[english]Steam_LaunchSteamOnStartup_Option" "Run Steam when Windows starts" "Steam_ScanCDKey_NoRetailProduct" "유효한 CD 키가 있으면 아래 목록에 있는 게임들을 한 달 동안 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다." "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_NoRetailProduct" "Your valid CD key entitles you to a free monthly subscription to the following games." "Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_DiskUsageNone" "< 없음 >" "[english]Steam_DiskUsageNone" "< none >" "Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "스팀 - 프로그램 설치" "[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam - Install Application" "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "선택한 게임을 스팀용으로 변환하는 데 필요한 디스크 공간이 부족합니다. 디스크에서 %s1MB를 확보한 다음 다시 시도해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "There is not enough disk space available to convert the selected games to Steam. Please free up %s1 Mb of disk space and try again." "Steam_Language" "언어" "[english]Steam_Language" "Language" "Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ExitSteam" "스팀 끝내기" "[english]Steam_ExitSteam" "Exit Steam" "Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "비밀번호를 변경하지 못했습니다. 기존 비밀번호를 올바로 입력했는지 확인하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Failed to change password. Please check that you have entered your original password correctly." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "비밀 질문과 답이 변경되었습니다." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Secret question and secret answer have been successfully changed." "Steam_ChangePasswordSuccessful" "비밀번호가 변경되었습니다. 변경된 비밀번호는 다음 번에 로그인할 때부터 적용됩니다." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordSuccessful" "Password has been successfully changed. Next time you log into Steam you will need to use the new password." "Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "스팀 캐시 파일을 드라이브의 루트 디렉토리에 저장할 수 없습니다. 다른 위치를 선택하십시오." "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Steam cache files cannot be put in the root directory of any drive. Please choose another location." "Steam_CacheSize" "디스크 캐시 크기:" "[english]Steam_CacheSize" "Cache size on disk:" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "바탕 화면 바로 가기 만들기" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut" "Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "필요한 디스크 공간:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Disk space required:" "Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceAvailable" "여유 디스크 공간:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceAvailable" "Disk space Available:" "Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "'내 게임' 목록에 추가할 게임을 선택하십시오." "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Select which games to add to your 'My Games' list." "Steam_ConvertCustomMaps" "카운터 스트라이크 폴더에 커스텀 맵이 있습니다. 선택하신 맵은 스팀용 카운터 스트라이크 폴더로 복사됩니다." "[english]Steam_ConvertCustomMaps" "Custom maps have been detected in your Counter-Strike folder. Selected maps will be copied into your new Steam installation of Counter-Strike." "Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "이전 파일 삭제 (권장)" "[english]Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Clean up old files (recommended)" "Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "디스크 공간이 부족하여 게임을 실행할 수 없습니다. 디스크 공간을 확보한 다음 다시 시도하십시오." "[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk space available to run this game. Please free up some disk space and then try again." "Steam_DeleteCache_Button" "삭제" "[english]Steam_DeleteCache_Button" "Delete" "Steam_Internet" "인터넷" "[english]Steam_Internet" "Internet" "Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "스팀 - 바로 가기 만들기" "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam - Create Shortcut" "Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "입력하신 비밀번호가 올바르지 않습니다." "[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "The password you have entered is invalid." "Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Info" "%s1을(를) 구입하지 못했습니다. 입력하신 CD 키가 다른 사용자에게 등록되어 있는 것 같습니다. 보다 자세한 설명은 발송된 메일을 참조하십시오." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Info" "Your purchase of %s1 failed. Most likely the cd key you entered has already been registered to another user. Please check your email for a more detailed explanation." "Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "스팀 -오류" "[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "현재 스팀 응용프로그램이 실행 중입니다. 스팀을 끝내려면 먼저 스팀 응용프로그램을 모두 종료해야 합니다." "[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "One or more Steam applications are currently running. To exit Steam, you must first shut down all Steam applications." "Steam_ChangePassword" "비밀번호 변경..." "[english]Steam_ChangePassword" "Change password..." "Steam_ChangePasswordWizard_Title" "스팀 - 비밀번호 변경" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordWizard_Title" "Steam - Change Password" "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionFailed" "비밀 질문을 변경하지 못했습니다. 기존 비밀번호를 올바로 입력했는지 확인하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionFailed" "Failed to change secret question. Please check that you have entered your original password correctly." "Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "비밀번호를 변경합니다." "[english]Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "I want to change my password." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionAnswer" "비밀 질문에 대한 답을 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionAnswer" "Answer your secret question" "Steam_CacheReserved" "캐시 중 업데이트용으로 예약된 부분:" "[english]Steam_CacheReserved" "Portion of cache reserved for updates:" "Steam_UncheckAnyGamesNotConvert" "변환하지 않을 게임을 선택 해제합니다." "[english]Steam_UncheckAnyGamesNotConvert" "Uncheck any games you don't want converted." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent" "컴퓨터에 설치된 게임 삭제..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent" "Delete local game content..." "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "스팀 - 디스크 공간 부족" "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Not enough disk space" "Steam_Interface" "인터페이스" "[english]Steam_Interface" "Interface" "Steam_MonitorScanning" "검색 중..." "[english]Steam_MonitorScanning" "Scanning..." "Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "다시 입력하신 비밀번호가 원래 입력하신 새 비밀번호와 일치하지 않습니다. 원하는 비밀번호를 다시 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "The confirmation password does not match the new password you have entered. Please re-enter desired password." "Steam_CacheDirError_Title" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_CacheFileSize" "전체 응용프로그램 크기:" "[english]Steam_CacheFileSize" "Total application size:" "Steam_CacheReadySize" "플레이 준비 완료 크기:" "[english]Steam_CacheReadySize" "Ready-to-play size:" "Steam_CacheReadyAcquired" "플레이 준비 완료 개수:" "[english]Steam_CacheReadyAcquired" "Ready-to-play acquired:" "SteamRootNews" "새 소식" "[english]SteamRootNews" "News" "SteamRootLabel6" "최신 스팀 소식을 확인합니다." "[english]SteamRootLabel6" "Keep up with the latest Steam news" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_CacheDir" "게임을 저장할 위치를 선택하십시오. 1GB 이상의 여유 공간이 있는 드라이브를 선택하는 것이 좋습니다." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_CacheDir" "Please choose where you want Steam to store your games. It is recommended to have at least 1GB of disk space free on the drive that you select." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Launching" "시작하는 중..." "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Launching" "Launching..." "Steam_ConvertCustomMODs" "하프 라이프 폴더에 커스텀 게임 MOD들이 있습니다. 선택한 MOD를 스팀용 하프 라이프 폴더로 복사합니다." "[english]Steam_ConvertCustomMODs" "Custom game MODs have been detected in your Half-Life folder. Selected MODs will be copied into your new Steam installation of Half-Life." "Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "기존 하프 라이프 폴더에서 스팀 캐시 폴더로 게임 파일을 변환하고 있습니다. 디스크 공간을 절약하려면 이전 파일을 컴퓨터에서 삭제하십시오." "[english]Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam is converting game files from your existing Half-Life folder to the Steam cache folders. To save disk space, you can delete the old files from your computer. Note: your saved games and custom decals (if any) will be preserved." "Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "이전 파일 삭제 안 함(추가 디스크 공간 필요)" "[english]Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "Leave old files intact (more disk space required)" "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmList" "선택하신 게임을 이제 스팀의 '내 게임' 목록에서 사용할 수 있습니다." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmList" "Your selected games are now accessible in the Steam 'My Games' list." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_MayRequireUpdate" "업데이트 필요" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_MayRequireUpdate" "May require update" "Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "게임 캐시 삭제" "[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete game cache?" "Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "%s1 게임 관련 파일이 컴퓨터에서 모두 삭제됩니다. 게임은 게임 목록에 그대로 남아 있지만, 나중에 이 게임을 플레이하려면 컨텐츠를 다시 다운로드해야 합니다." "[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s1 game content from this computer. The game will remain in your Games list, but to play it in the future you'll have to first re-acquire (download) its content." "Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "스팀 - %1 삭제할 수 없음" "[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Cannot delete %s1" "Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "%s1의 데이터가 다음 게임에서 사용되므로 삭제할 수 없습니다. %s2" "[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since it's data is used by the following games: %s2" "Steam_Games_Purchase" "구매" "[english]Steam_Games_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_Games_AddToMyGames" "설치" "[english]Steam_Games_AddToMyGames" "Install" "Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Info" "%s1은(는) %s2MB의 디스크 공간을 사용하게 됩니다. 이제 필요한 컨텐츠의 다운로드를 시작합니다." "[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Info" "%s1 will use %s2 MB on disk. Steam will now acquire (download) all of the required content." "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Info" "선택한 게임을 설치할 디스크 공간이 부족합니다. 디스크 공간을 확보하거나, '뒤로'를 누른 다음 일부 항목을 선택 해제해 주십시오." "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Info" "You do not have enough disk space to install the selected games. Please free up some disk space, or press 'Back' and de-select some items." "Steam_Skins" "스킨" "[english]Steam_Skins" "Skins" "Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "변경한 설정은 스팀을 재시작할 때 적용됩니다." "[english]Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "This setting will not take effect until you have restarted Steam." "Steam_LanguageSelect" "스팀에서 사용할 언어를 선택하십시오." "[english]Steam_LanguageSelect" "Select the language you wish Steam to use" "Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "스팀에서 사용할 스킨을 선택하십시오." "[english]Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Select the skin you wish Steam to use" "Steam_CreateShortcut_Info" "바탕 화면에 바로 가기가 만들어졌습니다." "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Info" "A shortcut has been created and placed on your desktop." "Steam_CreateShortcut_FailedInfo" "바로 가기를 만들 수 없습니다. 이 게임의 바로 가기가 이미 바탕 화면에 있는 것 같습니다." "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_FailedInfo" "Could not create shortcut. A shortcut to this game is probably already on the desktop." "Steam_CDKeyLabel" "CD 키" "[english]Steam_CDKeyLabel" "CD Key" "Steam_GetCDKeyError_Title" "스팀 - 유효하지 않은 CD 키" "[english]Steam_GetCDKeyError_Title" "Steam - Invalid CD key" "Steam_GetCDKeyError_Info" "유효한 CD 키를 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_GetCDKeyError_Info" "Please enter a valid CD key" "Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue_Title" "스팀 - 비밀번호 입력" "[english]Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue_Title" "Steam - Please enter password" "Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue" "계속하려면 스팀 비밀번호를 입력해야 합니다." "[english]Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue" "Your Steam password is required to continue." "Steam_NoCacheDetails_Info" "현재 상태를 검색할 수 없습니다. 컨텐츠 자동 업데이트를 켠 다음 다시 시도하십시오." "[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Info" "The cache is not currently in a state where status can be retrieved . Please enable automatic content updates and try again." "Steam_EnterWonCDKeyExplanation" "%1을(를) '내 게임' 목록으로 추가하려면, 하프 라이프 또는 카운터 스트라이크 설치 디스크를 찾아 CD 케이스에 인쇄되어 있는 CD 키를 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_EnterWonCDKeyExplanation" "To add %s1 to your 'My Games' list, please find your original Half-Life or Counter-Strike installation CD-ROM and enter your CD Product Key as it appears on the CD case." "Steam_EnterGameCDKeyExplanation" "%1을(를) '내 게임' 목록으로 추가하려면, 설치 디스크를 찾아 CD 케이스에 인쇄되어 있는 CD 키를 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_EnterGameCDKeyExplanation" "To add %s1 to your 'My Games' list, please find your original installation CD-ROM and enter your CD Product Key as it appears on the CD case." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Title" "스팀 - 구매 오류" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Title" "Steam - Purchase Error" "Steam_ChangePasswordError_Title" "스팀 - 오류" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordError_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "스팀 비밀번호를 변경하거나, 비밀번호를 잊었을 경우 사용되는 비밀 질문을 변경할 수 있습니다." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "You can change your Steam password, or you can change the secret security question (which we keep on file in case you lose your password)." "Steam_ChangePasswordOldPassword" "이전 비밀번호를 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOldPassword" "Enter your old password" "Steam_ChangePasswordNewPassword" "새 비밀번호를 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordNewPassword" "Enter a new password" "Steam_ChangePasswordConfirmNewPassword" "새 비밀번호를 다시 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordConfirmNewPassword" "Enter your new password again" "Steam_IWantToChangeSecretQuestion" "비밀 질문을 변경합니다." "[english]Steam_IWantToChangeSecretQuestion" "I want to change my secret question." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "비밀번호를 입력하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Please enter your password" "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSelect" "비밀 질문을 선택하십시오." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSelect" "Select a secret question" "Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "스팀 캐시 파일을 다른 응용프로그램과 같은 디렉토리에 저장할 수 없습니다. 다른 위치를 선택하십시오." "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Steam cache files cannot be put in same directory as another application. Please choose another location." "Steam_CacheFilesAcquired" "응용프로그램의 양:" "[english]Steam_CacheFilesAcquired" "Amount of application acquired:" "Steam_YouHaveChosenToBuy2" "계속하려면 '다음'을 클릭하십시오." "[english]Steam_YouHaveChosenToBuy2" "to your 'My Games' list. Click 'Next' below to continue." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "게임 설치" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Install game..." } }