v1.05-v1.07 ----------- 1.07 is not net-game compatible with older versions. everyone need to upgrade - both servers and clients save games and demos are retained from older versions to 1.07 NOTE: Installing this patch will reset your video, audio, network and game settings. This is needed to reapply new fixed settings for some configurations. Player settings, demos, save games and any scripts that you wrote will remain. (I.e., PersistentSymbols.ini is reset to all defaults.). + network connection recoded to use only UDP protocol, what should fix problems with some users that couldn't connect + skeletal animation system and Serious SKA Studio + added stereo rendering support for red/cyan glasses + fixed slow loading problems with Voodoo cards + some joysticks without POV hat reported POV hat as always pressed - resulting in inability to bind commands + sound notification for chat message was missing in SE + scripted commands (like list/rlist/kick/rkick) didn't load automatically in SE + inp_i2ndMousePort is now 0 by default. if you want to use the second mouse enable it manually. it caused problems for some users that didn't have the second mouse. + bend-over cheat has reappeared in SS:SE + jump-crouch cheat has reappeared in SS:SE + fixed receiving frags in fragmatch while dead (like from a rocket that you fired before dying) + servers of incompatible versions as now shown as dimmed in the server browser v1.04-v1.05 ----------- 1.05 is not net-game compatible with older versions. everyone need to upgrade - both servers and clients save games and demos are retained from older versions to 1.05 NOTE: Installing this patch will reset your video, audio, network and game settings. This is needed to reapply new fixed settings for some configurations. Player settings, demos, save games and any scripts that you wrote will remain. (I.e., PersistentSymbols.ini is reset to all defaults.). + added support for DirectX 8 + due to clipping optimizations for non-T&L cards and GeForce2 series, mirrors now work much faster in OpenGL + added iFeel support for tactile feedback mice + added support for playing Ogg Vorbis music files + added MOTD (Message Of The Day) on server + Serious Editor uses different registry for each mod + able to load files from Mod directory in Serious Editor (using +game startup parameter, just like the game) + enabled binding of two different axes for turning left/right (for people that use both mouse and joystick at the same time) + fixed random controls locking in splitscreen + fixed problems with respawninplace with playerteleporting + fixed problems with respawninplace in strange gravity situtations + fixed falling through floor when exiting water on some brushes v1.02-v1.04 ------------ 1.04 is not net-game compatible with older versions. everyone need to upgrade - both servers and clients save games and demos are retained from older versions to 1.04 NOTE: Installing this patch will reset your video, audio, network and game settings. This is needed to reapply new fixed settings for some configurations. Player settings, demos, save games and any scripts that you wrote will remain. (I.e., PersistentSymbols.ini is reset to all defaults.). + rewritten the in-game server browser to hold more info and have better formatting + added sorting and filtering of server list by any column + added VIP reserved player slots on server - configured using net_strVIPPassword and net_iVIPReserve + advanced configuration for max number of players, clients, and observers + added observer password + bend-over deathmatch cheat is no longer possible + crouch-jumping deathmatch cheat is no longer possible + after switching to different mod when joining a network game, you are not asked for player and settings once again + added chat message notification sound + added simple and configurable batch command scripts + new UDP-only RCon protocol and accompanying RCon program + added ListPlayers() and KickByName() console commands + added Restart() and NextMap() commands for DedicatedServer + reporting only public slots to server browser, without VIP slots + enabled client side demo recording + added banning by ip and/or playername + added net_bReportICMPErrors for not reporting WSAECONNRESET + added +quickjoin option for not asking about players and netsettings when connecting with +connect from the command line + menu colors and appearance can now be customized from a mod + script gfx-advanced... had wrong 'applyrendering.ini' invocation + connecting from within SeriousSam browser to server with different port didn't work + model overbrighting is now supported on cards that support GL_TEXENV_COMBINE extension - disabled by default + added transparent polygons on world (transparency doesn't have sorting problems like translucency) + added +server command line option + disabled frontclipping cheat + strafe FB + fixed problems with smooth sound change + scripts for custom shortcuts in SeriousEditor were missing in the installation + added numeric, align and filter dialogs for vertices + fixed crashing when changing view cfg during test game in SED + auto create mip models created invalid mappings for lower mips + SelectByTextureIn World/Sector wasn't selecting pretenders + fixed forcefield maxvelocity bug + fixed crouching under a touchfield + manual triangulation crashed in some occasions + removed stretch limit of 100 + polygons with vertices that already have coordinates as merge target vertex don't have to be triangularized + added ATI Truform support when rendering models + ability to remove some particles from rendering (if shadow is black) + fixed some problems with demo recording + shadow map size info didn't count for invisible polygons and non translucent portals + added geometry exporting to .raw format from SEd + default polygon properties popup menu was wrong + added ability to import and insert object or list of objects with auto CSG applying + when a file is missing during dependency extraction, the file that referenced it is now reported + Shift+Fn shortcut scripts didn't work + ability to swap texture layers + exporting mark for equilized textures on stock dump + polygon filter for angles and coordinates + added CModelObject::StretchModelRelative() + added dynamically customizable model collision boxes per entity + max velocity clamping for gravity and force fields didn't work + keeping track of build version that created the demo currently played. + GetTimeStamp() didn't close the file. + added auto updating of displace map (on terrain primitive) + ptr for visibility sector flags wasn't initialized + added visibility tweaks flags per sector and per worldbase entity (classification and visibility include/exclude) + fixed crashing when joining layers + fixed problem with naming the last property + hiding/showing of sectors only in sector mode + added another csg type check for second layer null + re-enabled polygon joining + fixed not removing unused textures from pretender portals + added ability to paste as projected for all three texture layers + added important entity interface for entity browser + fixed unknown texture animation key-word + added transformation matrix for importing 3d objects. + added link tree browser + added update brush command + added show entity names option v1.00c-v1.02 ------------ 1.02 is not net-game compatible with older versions. everyone need to upgrade - both servers and clients save games and demos are retained from older versions to 1.02 NOTE: Installing this patch will reset your video, audio, network and game settings. This is needed to reapply new fixed settings for some configurations. Player settings, demos, save games and any scripts that you wrote will remain. (I.e., PersistentSymbols.ini is reset to all defaults.). + automatic switching to proper mod when joining a network game + fixed server restart when one player leaves due to a "Port Unreachable" ICMP packet. (happened behind some routers) + after a level-change, server used to drop players with slower computers (if they were slow at loading the new level) + added remote administration. use net_strAdminPassword to set administration password. use Admin() to remote execute a console command on the server that you are connected to. (example: /Admin("NetworkInfo();") will give you list of connected players and their ips) + scripts for custom shortcuts in SeriousEditor (F2, F3, F4, Shift+F2, Shift+F3, Shift+F4, middle mouse) were missing + 32bit sound mixer with automatic sound normalizer - prevents sound clipping and noise in extremely large fights + fixed volume interpolation bug that caused some sound artefacts when moving quickly around a sound source + added support for 2nd mouse. first mouse must be plugged in PS/2 or USB port and the second one must be plugged in a COM port. inp_i2ndMousePort controls the COM port number. note that the second mouse must _not_ be installed in windows, but the com port _must_ be installed (if in Win2k or WinT). use 'customize controls/load predefined settings' to load default settings for the second player. many thanks to Boris Pereira from Doom Legacy project for giving us info on how to read the second mouse. + fixed wrong reporting of sound memory usage. some sounds were reported as taking less memory than they really do. + added frame buffer control. you can control number of color/alpha/depth/stencil bits using cvars: gfx_iColorBits, gfx_iAlphaBits, gfx_iDepthBits, gfx_iStencilBits. use ApplyDisplayMode() to put your new settings to effect. + textures can now be exported even if special effects (dithering, sharpening...) are enabled, or if texture size is cut down. the result of exporting will always be original texture without effects or size reduction. (no more 'Cannot export texture with changed frames' problem). + pretouching with 16 pages skip - should offer better performance on Win9x (if you use pretouching) + viewbobbing on/off option added + if infinite ammo was on, ammo-dropping (at Alley Of The Sphinxes) caused player to be unable to use the weapon for entire game + added coop respawing in-place option. player respawns at place of death if killed by a monster. if killed by some environmental hazard (spikes, abyss...), player respawns at standard respawn place as usual. you can force normal respawning if you hold down 'use' button while respawning. + fixed occasional server crash on receiving CRC check response from client + shielded with extra checks against netwok message overreading and overwriting + if 'ded_bRestartWhenEmpty' is set to 0, dedicated server will retain current map when all players leave + added extra shielding against compression=2 crashes on server + unintentional actions found - was a bug with LinkSys routers - users have to upgrade to latest firmware + fixed mesage corruption and possible crash when multiple blocks are received with one TCP port read + added option for disabling singleplayer/splitscreen or highscore menu for mods + added mth_fCSGEpsilon for workarounds for CSG errors in some situations + added hud_bShowMessages - use to turn off the NETRICSA message notification if it irritates you + added environment mapping on world polygons + added forcefields (similar as gravities, but used for things like water flow, etc.) + added bitfield entity property type. declare as an enum, but with 'flags' keyword instead of 'enum' keyword. + triangulate polygons now works on entire polygon selection + automatic texture aligning on one or both axis + fixed crash when putting a lightning entity on world + added flag for surround sound in SoundHolder entity + fixed last marker in WorldBase for fog, haze, mirror, gravity.. (didn't work) + added console function PlayDemo() + added MOD DLL extension for testing mods without using mod dir. A suffix can be appended to entity and game dlls. It is read from file 'ModExt.txt' in mod dir (for SeriousSam.exe) or from regkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CroTeam\WorldEditor\General\ModExt (for SeriousEditor.exe). + random select, random deselect and random orientation options in entity browsing dialog v1.00-v1.00c ------------ 1.00c is net-game compatible with 1.00 save games and demos are retained from 1.00 to 1.00c + sometimes when sharp turning is on, view used to start spinning wildly, especially when changing gravities + dedicated server now supports mods + using Serious Editor no longer resets options for Serious Sam + dedicated server initialization file (Scripts\Dedicated_startup.ini) was missing + rendering electro-fish lightning attack crashed in some rare situations when player ran away from the fish + audio options were not saved + joystick auto-disable is now off by default - some drivers report this erorrneously + network connection between different versions (USA-Europe and similar) didn't work. both server and client need this patch in order for connection to work + inability to determine CPU speed on some Win2k machines cause crashing with division by zero when starting + after switching the wide screen option off, mouse pointer would block in the upper part of the screen sometimes + added controls for gamma, brightness, contrast and posterization (gfx_fGamma, gfx_fBrightness, gfx_fContrast, gfx_iLevels) - only on Win9x and Win2k systems and on cards that support those options + increased number of credits options for coop games in the game options menu + added support for old Ati RagePro - it is slow, but it works (must use ogl_iFinish=3) + couldn't change player appearance and options for some players in split screen in some occasions